
Sharifah Kirana Wedding promotion

Calling all bride-to-be, we are having a major wedding promotion on rent packages. Price starts from as low as RM980 for both bride and groom.

Hurry, make your way to Kompleks Kraftangan, Jln Conlay from 26th May until 6th June. The promotion only last during the event. Don't miss the chance! ;))

Please refer to the above flyer for our price.Thanks!


Wedding - Nadia Nabila & Fadzil

Enjoy the slideshow by Mohd Ming

Let the pics do the talking, awesome colours - lovely lilac and pink

The beautiful wedding dress from Tun Teja collection with awesome beadings!

Pics credit to Mohd Ming (www.mohdming.com), tq for letting us using the pics ya!


Busana Cinta Tun Teja D'Avant Garde

Iman and Tijani admiring the bride . . .

Beautiful dress for garden wedding, the dress has its own signature with beadings in lilac, dusty pink, lovely green, and misty grey

Something blue, I created a story of blue garden in this masterpiece, blue and brown will never go wrong.

Another dress suitable for garden wedding, roses are patched to create 3D effect

Iman and Tijani look gorgeous in the antique white dress, our flower girl's dresses are available for rent, do email us at kirana.creations@gmail.com to get the quotation.

Luv the song, hope you like it too! enjoy . . .


Hilmie & Dr Serina - Solemnization

Semoga berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat!

Hilmie & Dr Sherina - Solemnization - 150111 from Dosh Productions on Vimeo.


Inspirasi Perkahwinan Warna Pastel

Konsep warna pastel sesuai untuk majlis perkahwinan 2011

Pakaian pengantin koleksi Tun Teja menggunakan kain renda french

bersama layah diperbuat daripada kain renda french

Bayangkan anda memegang bunga tangan cantik dari pereka bunga Spanish Bornay

Yang ini pula untuk hantaran warna pastel dari Sugarpink Icing


Heed & Asri - Reception | 21th Nov 2010

Enjoy the video!

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